Profile PictureDavid Chadwick

 As an enhancement to the current set of online tutorials on the Defold Game Engine, I am publishing a new Defold Tutorial Series which I’m calling Defold Vignettes. What is a vignette? Simply put -- these vignettes will be short primers on specific Defold techniques. In addition to the individual Vignettes that I've posted on my YouTube channel, there is an eBook available here that serves as a companion resource. Each eBook provides the key and essential information that you need as it relates to the specific topic of the vignette, providing (1) a description of the final result; (2) a walkthrough of the Defold Project Structure needed to implement it; and (3), a set of Deep-Dives into the specific Defold techniques involved. I hope you find these vignettes helpful as you learn to use the Defold Game Engine in developing that amazing game you've been focused on.